Omnicom Engineering’s OmniVision® system installed on several specifically designed Measurement & Inspection trains wins further award for their Rail Track Inspection system. OmniVision® represents a technological revolution in railway inspection by combining high-speed high-resolution cameras and cutting-edge pattern recognition software to automate the detection of track defects. The system improves both the quality and safety of the process whilst saving huge amounts of time and money. Omnicom chose Multipix Imaging and their extensive vision component knowledge to assist them in achieving this successful solution.
The solution combines many different aspects of machine vision technology, ranging from 3D to thermal, with the visual imagery being captured by a series of Basler Sprint Linescan cameras with the scene being illuminated using ProPhotonix Cobra LED line lights. The high speed data is recorded uncompressed direct to hard disk using IOI Industries DVR CORE which is a Solid State Drive based storage device. The image data is then processed by MVTec’s HALCON and results are combined with the extensive set of data also being processed and stored, from other non-vision devices, which makes Omnicom’s OmniVision such a powerful solution.
Follow the link below to read the full success story.