Memento Event Logging tool for Euresys Coaxlink cards

Memento an advanced debugging tool available for Euresys Coaxlink cards.

This software tool records an accurate log of all the events related to the camera, the frame grabber and its driver as well as the application. Events such as driver function calls, callbacks, triggers received by the frame grabber, strobe signals sent to the light controller or camera control signals are all recorded along with precise time stamps and detailed context information.

The Memento Event Viewer is then able to display a list of these events, along with their associated time stamp and context information. Graphical views are also available. Different levels of verbosity can be selected and events listed can be filtered and searched.

Memento provides assistance during application development and debugging, as well as during system operation. During application development and debugging, Memento helps the developer understand the behavior of the machine, and pin down the cause of issues such as missed triggers or lost images. Memento is also useful during the operation of the machine. It runs in the background and saves logs that can be sent back to the support team in case of machine failure.

Memento relies on software resources implemented inside the driver of the Coaxlink cards as well as hardware resources on the Coaxlink cards themselves. Memento has been designed to be extremely efficient. It is non-intrusive as the required CPU load is extremely low.

Want to learn more about Memento? Take a look at the video clip

View Euresys CoaxLink Framegrabbers