Multipix bring news that Euresys renew their first products of the Picolo series, launching their new PCI Express versions of the popular PAL/NTSC image acquisition cards. The two new PCI Express cards are fully interchangeable with their PCI equivalents. The first of them, the Picolo PCIe acquires one or two composite or one S-Video video signals. The Picolo PCIe is equipped with four TTL I/O lines and four video connectors: a BNC, an S-Video connector, a DB9 and an internal 10-pin header. Its small PCB size is compliant with the low-profile format and the card is delivered with a low-profile and a standard-profile bracket. This entry-level capture card is ideal for cost-sensitive single-camera applications in the fields of machine vision, access control, video security and medical imaging. The Picolo Pro 2 PCIe video capture cards targets simple video surveillance applications. It captures using quick-switching up to 4 composite video signals through standard BNC connectors. TTL I/O lines are provided for easy system integration.