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Line Scan Imaging

Why Should you use a Line Scan camera ?

A line scan camera is capable of creating very high resolution images at very high speeds- without breaking the bank! Even when speed is not the issue, this technology overcomes the difficulties and cost associated with area scan solutions of very high resolution. Lighting is one key factor, where area scan solutions require large uniform lights, a line scan solution requires a uniform thin line of light. Line scan is a perfect solution for processes and productions that are constantly moving, that require high speed and/or high resolution imaging.

This technology is used very successfully in many applications, ranging from glue sealant bead inspection to food sorting. This model of camera is used when area scan imaging is not appropriate or is too expensive per pixel in comparison to line scan imaging. Cameras are available for monochrome, colour and even SWIR applications, and are all available from Multipix Imaging. We have been supplying line scan technology since 1997 and have a wealth of experience to share with you.

Line scan camera interfaces

  • GigE Vision
  • CameraLink
  • CoaXPress

The CameraLink and CoaXPress options offer higher line rates and require a frame grabber board.

Applications for line scan

  • Food sorting and inspection
  • Conveyor based manufacturing
  • Paper/print inspection
  • Textiles
  • Satellite imaging
  • And many more….

Colour line scan options

  • Bayer Matrix
  • Tri-linear RGB
  • 3-chip prism RGB

We can advise you on the best option for your application.

How Line Scan Cameras Work

With line scan cameras, the object must be moving under the camera or the camera moving over the object to build up a 2D image. The resulting image can then be treated and processed the same as an area scan camera image.

It is almost always preferred that square pixels (real-world resolution) are the result of a line scan image. This means if a circular object is passed under the camera, the result is an image which has a circular object (Fig.5a). If the scan rate of the camera is too fast or too slow, the resulting image would show either an elongated circle (Fig.5b) or a squashed circle (Fig.5c).

The cross-web resolution (X) is determined by the number of pixels the camera has, in this example if the camera has 1000 pixels and the cross-web FOV is 100mm, the X resolution in the real-world would be 0.1mm.

The down-web resolution (Y) depends on a combination of  two things;

  • How fast the object is moving
  • How fast the camera is scanning

Watch the excellent video on the left from our partner, Euresys. Multipix Imaging are proud to represent Euresys in the UK and Ireland for Frame grabber technology and their Image Processing Library Open eVision software.

This video describes how line scan works and the consideration that must be given to the trigger interface to ensure image data integrity.

Our line scan Technology Specialists are here to discuss your application and answer questions you may have about this powerful imaging technique.

Featured Products for Line Scan Imaging

HIKrobot MV-CL line scan cameras using latest GPixel CMOS sensors are available in 2k, 4k and 8k resolution with up to 100Khz line rate, mono/bayer-colour and feature rich.

See the MV-CL camera range here