NEW EasyLocate – as part of Deep Learning Bundle Localisation and identification of objects/products/defects Counting of objects Supports data augmentation and masks Compatible with CPU and GPU processing Includes the free Deep Learning Studio application for dataset creation, training and evaluation Learn More…
Easy3DObject Detection of 3D objects in point clouds or ZMaps Metric detection criteria Compatible with arbitrary regions Computation of precise 3D measurements, like size, orientation, area, volume… Automatic extraction of object local support plane 2D and 3D graphical display of the results Full-featured interactive demo application Learn More…
New Easy3DMatch Align a scanned 3D object with another scan or with a reference mesh Compute the local distances between 3D scans and a golden sample or reference mesh Detect anomalies such as misplaced features, geometric distortions, gaps, bumps,… Compatible with all 3D sensors that produce point clouds, depth maps or height maps Learn More…
Easy3DLaserLine Single and Dual Laser Line Extraction into a depth map Convenient and powerful 3D calibration for laser triangulation setups Compatible with the Coaxlink Quad 3D-LLE frame grabber Learn More…
Easy3D 3D Laser Line Extraction into a depth map Point cloud calibration and management ZMap generation and management Interactive 3D display with the 3D Viewer 3D processing functions Photometric Stereo Learn more…
EasyDeepLearning Includes functions for dataset creation, classifier training and image classification Compatible with CPU and GPU processing Able to detect defective products or sort products into various classes Supports data augmentation, works with as few as one hundred training images per class Includes a free Studio application to ease the creation of deep learning applications Learn more…
EasyImage Set of optimised fundamental image processing and analysis functions Convolution and morphology Geometric transformations Histogram computation and analysis Noise estimation and reduction NEW: HDR (High Dynamic Range) image fusion Learn more…
EasyGauge Sub-pixel point location and edge fitting Highly accurate and robust Advanced and automatic calibration Multiple gauge models Measurement of position, orientation, size, curvature, distance Interaction through graphical interface Learn more…
EasyMatch Pattern matching using normalised correlation Sub-pixel accuracy Rotation and scaling support Detection of multiple pattern occurrences Support of grey scale and colour images Support of “don’t care” areas Learn more…
EasyObject Image segmentation based on the grey scale of connected objects Object labeling Geometric feature extraction Flexible Masks High performance, especially for large images and images with numerous objects Learn more…
EasyColour Fast conversion of images between 11 colour spaces Colour segmentation: to identify objects based on their colour Colour verification: to verify the colour of objects Learn more…
EasyFind Pattern matching using a feature point technology Fully automatic, fast and robust Invariant to rotation and scaling High tolerance to pattern degradation Support of “don’t care” areas Learn more…
EasyOCR2 Optimised for reading short texts such as part numbers, serial numbers, expiry dates, manufacturing dates, lot codes, … Innovative segmentation algorithm to automatically locate texts in the image based on expected character size and text topology Full support for text rotation (360 degrees) Able to read severely degraded characters: support for character fragmentation and uneven lighting Learning of character database from one or multiple TrueType Font (ttf) file(s) Assisted learning of character database from sample images Character database management: adding characters; saving, loading database Pre-trained classifier powered by deep learning technologies suitable for industrial text marking fonts Learn more…
EasyOCR Teachable character recognition for the most reliable and fastest recognition Invariant to character size Tolerant to poorly printed, broken characters “Connected” characters separation Pre-defined fonts included Learn more…
EasyBarCode Automatic detection of the barcode in the image Automatic detection of the symbology Very fast and robust Full support of numerous symbologies NEW: Mail Barcode Reader Learn more…
EasyMatrixCode Automatic detection of the code in the image Decodes ECC200, ECC000, ECC050, ECC080, ECC100 and ECC140 codes Computes quality indicators as per ANSI/AIM, ISO/IEC 15415, ISO/IEC TR 29158 and SEMI T10-0701 standards Very fast operation Impressive robustness to noise, blur and distortion NEW: Support of GS1 Data Matrix codes Learn more…
EasyQRCode Automatic detection of the code in the image Decodes model 1 and model 2 QR codes, all versions, all levels Very fast operation Impressive robustness to noise, blur and distortion Error detection and correction Rotation and flipping invariant Learn more…
EasyOCV Comprehensive character verification with automatic training Greyscale analysis Text and character-level inspection Contrast, position and shape defect detection Learn more…