Double Your USB3.0 frame rate with Teli Toshiba DDU Series

Dual USB3.0 Vision means 12MP at 60fps!

Toshiba Teli Dual USB3.0 cameras are offering the perfect solution for applications that demand high speed imaging with the ease of use that USB3.0 Vision offers.

When an application requires higher data rates than that offered by USB3.0 Vision it is necessary to go to either CameraLink or CoaXPress, both of which require a frame grabber solution. This is not always possible or not preferred for a variety of reasons including cost and perceived complexity. The integrator may simply not be familiar with using frame grabbers or the system is not open to allow frame grabber installation.

But, what if you could ‘upgrade’ a USB based solution to double the speed?

Well, that’s exactly what Toshiba Teli are offering in their Dual USB Cameras DDU camera range which features the unique Teli IP Core technology.

Teli’s unique IP Core is at the heart of the cameras, built entirely in hardware using FPGAs, the IP Core is capable of processing commands at up to 100 times fast than standard USB3.0 Vision cameras and amongst other things this facilitates the synchronisation and control required for Dual USB3.0 output.

Moreover, the same SDK is used for single or dual output cameras, so upgrades are easy to manage.

Advantages of Dual USB solution

  • Double the speed means increased frame rates
  • Cabling and host interface card – utilise existing proven/installed technology
  • Teli USB drivers manage the image transfer and synchronisation
  • Common Teli SDK which supports their entire range of USB cameras. Therefore, also very easy to go from single to dual USB solutions with very little software effort.

Check out the Toshiba Teli DDU series